Congratulations to the Astronomy Class of 2020



Congratulations to the awesome Astronomy Class of 2020! Best wishes on your future endeavors--you make us proud! Forty-Five Astronomy and CS+Astronomy seniors graduated on May 16, 2020 during an online ceremony.   The students are: Nirali Bhatt, Vivek Bhookya, Barry Chiang, Tori Colthurst, Elizabeth De Sa E Silva, Devanshi Pratap, Keslie Elketroussi, Lina Florez, Lauren Gregory, Andrew Groesch, Anushri Gupta, Lily Ho, Jacob Hogan, Yuxuan Hu, Angela Iwanicki, Logan Kimball, Yujie Liang, Yufeng Luo, Nikhil Makhijani, Jason Meier, Alexander Moore, Chauncey Murphey, Kyle Nelli, Charmi Patel, Vivian Perez, Sonny Podlesnik, Aisyah Rafique Ali, Ethan Rane, Alexander Rudd, Richard Scherrer, Robert Sells, Charmi Shah, Alexander Shepard, Danylo Sovgut, Pengyue Sun, Nathan Turcich, Hailin Wang, Charles Young, Emily Zhang, Zitao Zhu, and Yi Zhuang.
In the picture are some of the graduating seniors and a few faculty members.